For information on Site 1 click here..
For information on Site 7a click here..
05 October - Photographic Reports for Martello Towers 64 & 66. These photographic reports form part of the planning application listed below and show the amazing internal structure of the towers and its current state.
Martello Tower 64 Photos
Martello Tower 66 Photos
Note that these are reduced quality copies of the original versions availabe on the EBC website.
04 October - Plans for Martello Towers 64 (North Harbour Beach) & 66 (Langney Point). Planning applications have been submitted to convert each Martello Tower into a residential holiday home. The detailed plans can be viewed on the EBC planning portal where your comments should be made using the following links:
Tower 64 - EBC Application no. 240562
Tower 66 - EBC Application no. 240560
Comments to EBC need to be received by Saturday 26 October. Note that there are separate (seemingly duplicate) applications dealing with Listed Building Consent.
For ease of reference we have placed copies of the Design and Access Statements (DAS) on the SHRA website:
Martello Tower 64 DAS
Martello Tower 66 DAS
These statements should be read in conjunction with the detailed plans from the EBC portal.
Please share your comments on these plans with SHRA by emailing them to:
01 October - October edition of Waterlines published - We've thrown together another edition of our newsletter! Find it on our "Waterlines" page....
19 Sep - Smyths Toys Illuminated Sign - Smyths Toys have applied for planning approval to add an illumated sign to the side (West Elevation) of Unit 5 of the Retail Park - the side that face the gym. Click here for an image... That side of the unit is mostly screened by trees but is visible from the end of Atlantic Drive and properties on Daytona Quay. Any comments on the application should be made on the EBC Planning Portal by following this link:
17 Sep - Site 1 Planning Application Approved - At the Planning Committee meeting this evening the recommendation from the planning officer that approval be given for the retirement complex on Site 1 was approved by 5 votes in favour to 1 vote against (see link in item below to view a recording of the proceedings). The full recommendation was:
1. Delegate to the Head of Development Management to:
a) Conclude consultation with the ESCC (Ecology and Landscape), and
b) Make any necessary revisions, attach conditions or seek planning obligations resulting from the above consultation;
and upon conclusion of the above:-
2. Grant planning permission with conditions, subject to S106
Agreement to secure:
a) Local Labour Agreement;
b) Transport contributions (£1,350 per unit);
c) Travel Plan and monitoring fee (£6000);
d) Car Club contributions;
e) Contributions to provide improvements to the public open space and a gateway to the Harbour and an appropriate connection between the Seafront Promenade and the Harbour Walkway;
f) Restrict age of occupiers to over 55 and new apartments not being used as second homes; and
g) Any additional heads of terms requested by consultees.
3. Should the Section 106 Agreement outlined within 2 (above) not be completed within a reasonable timescale (to be agreed with Officers) that the application be refused for the following reason:
The applicant has failed to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that planning obligations required to make the proposed development acceptable in planning terms can be secured, contrary to Policy D8 (Sustainable Travel) of the Eastbourne Core Strategy 2013 and policies TR7 and UHT1 (Design of New Development) of the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003 and paragraph 114 of the NPPF.
17 Sep - Site 1 Application Hearing - Eastbourne Borough Council Planning Committee, Town Hall, Tuesday, 17th September, 2024 6.00 pm. Lobby at the Town Hall from 5.30pm. Click here to view the live video stream of the meeting or a recording afterwards...
16 Sep - Harbour WI Newsletter - The Harbour WI have published their latest newsletter giving details of the September meeting. Click here to find it on the WI webpages...
11 Sep - Site 1 application - SHRA's Objections - SHRA has again written to EBC's planning officers stating our continued objections to the retirement complex proposed for Site 1 and pointing out that Untold have made minimum changes to the plans that have been rejected twice by the planning committee. Click here to read SHRA's letter....
07 Sep - Site 1 - Further Revised Plans Submitted. A revised plan has been submitted by Untold Living, the developers of the proposed retirement complex on Site 1. It is indicated that the number of apartments has been reduced by two (down to 126 in total) by resizing a couple of apartments. Five additional parking spaces have been added making 75 in total. The heights of the buildings remain unchanged.
The amended application plans and a Design and Access Statement (DAS) Addendum can be viewed on-line at: where you may leave comments. For ease of access a copy of the DAS Addendum is available from the SHRA web site by clicking here...
The next EBC Planning Committee meeting is on 17 September. We will let you know if this revision is added to the agenda for that meeting.
26 August - Site 7a - EBC Confirm Planning Decisions - EBC have published S106 Agreements and Decision Notices on their Planning Portal for the three Site 7a buildings (Aldi store, retirement apartments and a care home). Links and case numbers are listed below.
• Planning Application 220849 - Valid From 02/11/2022 Site 7a Pacific Drive Eastbourne East Sussex. Erection of Class E foodstore alongside access, parking, landscaping, and associated works.
• Planning Application 220850 - Valid From 02/11/2022 Site 7a Pacific Drive Eastbourne East Sussex. Erection of apartment retirement living development (Use Class C3), access, car parking, and associated landscaping.
• Planning Application 220852 - Valid From 03/11/2022 Site 7a Pacific Drive Eastbourne East Sussex. Proposed three storey, 66 bedroom, care home for older people (Class C2 Use) with associated new access (off Pacific Drive), parking and landscaping.
02 August - August Waterlines published - We've only gone and thrown together another edition of our newsletter! Find it on our "Waterlines" page....
Over time, some of these news items will migrate from here to the News Archive page or other relevant page of the SHRA website.
The Sovereign Harbour Residents Association (SHRA) aims to give Sovereign Harbour residents a strengthened and co-ordinated voice in discussions on the management and development of the Harbour. The work of the Association is funded by annual membership subscriptions and by annual donations from our sponsors.
Sovereign Harbour
Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne, East Sussex, is a large, prestigious, marina-side development of houses and apartments arranged around an outer tidal harbour, four inner harbours and alongside waterways and the shingle beach.
It is also a busy commercial marina and a working port for the Eastbourne Fishermen. There is a RNLI lifeboat station and a popular yacht club. At The Waterfront there are restaurants, cafes and bars with regular events and entertainments with ample, free parking. It is a great place to live, and a great place to visit!
Begining in 1991, the Harbour was dug out from an area of vegetated shingle known as The Crumbles. House building commenced in 1997 and continued for ten years. In more recent years a new medical centre has been built and the local junior school was enlarged. Further housing is under construction and Pacific House, the first building of an Innovation Park, has opened. A long-awaited community centre was in use by December 2019.
Membership is open to all households in owned or rented residential property located within the Sovereign Harbour estate, and owners of such residential property. Click here to join SHRA... Membership brings discounts from local businesses.
Our website is frequently updated with reports on the work of the Association and local news and issues. We also publish information on harbour clubs and activities, future development, and local transport.
Our Facebook page carries news and announcements and can be found at:
Our on-line (PDF) newsletter, Waterlines... is published every second month. We occasionally email all SHRA members on our membership database via MemberMojo to update them on SHRA news or harbour issues. New SHRA members are added to both our MemberMojo and MailChimp confidential distribution lists which are not used for any other purposes nor shared with any third party. You may unsubscribe at any time.
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