Sovereign Harbour Residents Association banner
View from Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne


Contact SHRA

General enquiries and correspondance: 

Correspondence received by SHRA is treated as confidential. It will not be published on our web site nor in Waterlines unless your permission and wish to do so is clearly indicated. 

The SHRA Committee

Chair Vacant
Deputy Chair Dave Rogers
Secretary Vacant
Membership Secretary Caroline Lynam
Treasurer Carol Collier
Committee Member Darren Anstee
Committee Member Keith Bateman
Committee Member David Blackburn
Committee Member Peter Hawley
Committee Member Richard King
Committee Member Rajendra Pisavadia
Committee Member David Preager
Committee Member David Shaw

Waterlines Editor Richard King e-mail Waterlines Editor
Webmaster Tony Smith (not on the committee). e-mail Webmaster

Sovereign Ward Eastbourne Borough Councillors 
Cllr Penny di Cara
Cllr Nigel Goodyear
Cllr Kshama Shore
Sovereign Ward East Sussex County Councillor
Cllr Penny di Cara
Member of Parliament
Josh Babarinde MP Website

Complaint Contacts

Residents should first contact the relevant authority or body to register an official complaint properly. Whenever possible and appropriate, they should do so in writing, email, or text because evidence in a dated paper trail can be extremely helpful if the matter needs to be taken to the next level. Check our Estate Contacts page for local estate management companies.

Abandoned Shopping Trolley
Trolleywise (not Asda trolleys)
Tel: 0800 316 1241
A Trolleywise app is avaialable on the usual App stores.
Collex Trolley
Freephone: 0808 1680 600 or email with location and photo: or use their smartphone app available from the App Stores or
ASDA have an abandoned trolley helpline: 0800 093 3350.  

Adopted Roads ESCC Interactive Map  - ESCC webpage....

EBC - Dog Fouling - Council webpage....  Dogs on Leads map 

EBC - Report A Problem
One-stop gateway for reporting most problems.
Reporting webpage...
Tel: 01323 410000
All problems may be reported on this number.

EBC ‘Report It'
(Love Clean Streets)
This smartphone app is the quickest way to report environmental problems to EBC when you are out and about. In just a few taps, you can report the problem, give the location and include a photo. Your report goes straight through to the right team to deal with the issue. Examples of the issues you can report include fly tipping, litter, litter & dog bins that need to be cleaned or emptied, dog fouling, and street cleaning. You can download the app for Android or iPhone from your app store or from:

EBC Planning & Buildings Control
Search Planning Applications, Make a Planning Application, Trees and Hedges Protection
Council planning webpage...

EBC Streets, Parking, Travel
Litter, Street Cleaning, Street Lighting, Car Parking, Bus Passes
Council parking & travel webpage... Tel: 01323 410000.

ESCC - Highways and lighting, Potholes

Parking Enforcement
NSL Eastbourne are contracted to provide parking enforcement services. email:
Tel: 0345 6801129

Southern Water
Smell from Water Treatment Works. Complain to Southern Water
Tel: 0330 303 0223, or leave a comment on their web site: You can write to their postal address: Southern Water, PO Box 41, Worthing, BN13 3NZ.
Please also tell EBC that you have complained on 01323 410000, and also inform our ward councillors.

Tidiness of paths and roundabouts
EBC Neighbourhood First – Zone 3 covers Sovereign Harbour. Email:

Harbour waterways, bridges, boating
Premier Marinas
Tel: 01323 470 099