Sovereign Harbour is a low crime-rate area. Help Sussex Police keep it that way.
Local Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). Each Friday and Saturday evening, additional ASB targeting patrols take place across Eastbourne from 1730-2230. Residents can call 07785 372050 to report ASB directly to the officers out on patrol. Outside of these times continue to report online/101 (see below) or 999 in an emergency.
Non-emergencies - dial 101
Emergencies - dial 999
Report Crime on-line:
Alternatively you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously. Local anti-social behaviour issues should also be brought to the attention of the Sovereign Harbour Neighbourhood Panel.
An independent charity that gives people the power to speak up and stop crime – 100% anonymously. Telephone 0800 555 111. They also offer practical advice to help protect your home, family business and vehicle. Web site...
To report a fraud and receive a police crime reference number, call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 -
Anyone who has information regarding misuse of Blue Badges is asked to report it by calling 01323 464244 or emailing
Sussex Police are keen to have more residents signing-up to their Operation Blitz scheme in Eastbourne. Members receive a weekly email notifying them of extra police patrols in their area targeting antisocial behaviour (normally on a Friday and Saturday evening). The message includes the mobile number of one of the officers on patrol so the team can be contacted directly. To join Operation Blitz create an account and sign in to it at: Then go to Community Interests, and at the bottom of the screen, click "Switch to advanced mode", then tick "Anti-Social Behaviour Prevention" and Save
Neighbourhood Watch is a community-run
independent charity covering around 100,000 households in Sussex. Eastbourne Neighbourhood Watch has 456 schemes across the Borough and covers 14,419 homes. We are always looking to increase our numbers as there are over 47,000 homes in Eastbourne, and, in an ideal world, they would all be members of a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.
Winding Up of Sovereign Harbour Neighbourhood Panel. In November 2020, after much consideration, I wrote to the Sovereign Harbour Neighbourhood Panel members, informing them that I was standing down as Chair. I requested they let me know if any of them wished to replace me as Chair and, if not, to vote on whether or not we should wind up the Neighbourhood Panel in accordance with its Constitution. Regrettably, no one felt they could take on the Chairmanship, and, in the circumstances, the Members voted unanimously in favour of winding up the Panel.
Joan Brady
Project Kraken is a national initiative to increase public awareness of
terrorism and criminal or suspicious activity at marinas, moorings or on
water. Web site...