17 Sep - Site 1 Planning Application Approved - At the Planning Committee meeting this evening, the recommendation from the planning officer that approval be given for the retirement complex on Site 1 was approved by five votes in favour to one vote against (see link in the item below to view a recording of the proceedings). The full recommendation was:
1. Delegate to the Head of Development Management to:
a) Conclude consultation with the ESCC (Ecology and Landscape), and
b) Make any necessary revisions, attach conditions or seek planning obligations resulting from the above consultation; and upon conclusion of the above:-
2. Grant planning permission with conditions, subject to S106 Agreement to secure:
a) Local Labour Agreement;
b) Transport contributions (£1,350 per unit);
c) Travel Plan and monitoring fee (£6000);
d) Car Club contributions;
e) Contributions to provide improvements to the public open space and a gateway to the Harbour and an appropriate connection between the Seafront Promenade and the Harbour Walkway;
f) Restrict age of occupiers to over 55 and new apartments not being used as second homes; and
g) Any additional heads of terms requested by consultees.
3. Should the Section 106 Agreement outlined within 2 (above) not be completed within a reasonable timescale (to be agreed with Officers) that the application be refused for the following reason: The applicant has failed to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that planning obligations required to make the proposed development acceptable in planning terms can be secured, contrary to Policy D8 (Sustainable Travel) of the Eastbourne Core Strategy 2013 and policies TR7 and UHT1 (Design of New Development) of the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003 and paragraph 114 of the NPPF.
17 Sep - Site 1 Application Hearing - Eastbourne Borough Council Planning Committee, Town Hall, Tuesday, 17th September, 2024 6.00 pm. Lobby at the Town Hall from 5.30pm. Click here to view the live video stream of the meeting or a recording afterwards...
07 Sep - Further Revised Plans Submitted. A revised plan has been submitted by Untold Living, the developers of the proposed retirement complex on Site 1. It is indicated that the number of apartments has been reduced by two (down to 126 in total), but we haven't yet been able to determine where the reduction is made on the plans. Five additional parking spaces have been added, making 75 in total. The heights of the buildings remain unchanged.
The amended application plans and a Design and Access Statement (DAS) Addendum can be viewed online at, where you may leave comments. A copy of the DAS Addendum is available from the SHRA website by clicking here... The next EBC Planning Committee meeting is on 17 September. We will let you know if this revision is added to the agenda for that meeting.
20 August - Planners Recommendation Defeated - EBC's Planning Committee meeting this evening voted against accepting the recommendation from EBC's Head of Development to grant planning permission (see 13 Aug item below). Instead, the planning committee members voted to defer the application again because the proposed development was still too big. EBC’s development team will now enter further negotiations with the developer. A video of the debate at the committee meeting is available on the Planning Committee's website: Click here to visit the webpage...
13 August 2024—Planning Recommendation—The revised planning application for Site 1 will be decided by EBC's Planning Committee, which will meet at the Town Hall at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20th.
The planning officer's report to the committee about Site 1 is here... Further documentation being presented to the committee in support of the recommendation is available on the Planning Committee's web site: Click here to visit the webpage... The webpage will also give access to a live video stream on the evening of the 20th.
09 August 2024 - SHRA Letter to EBC Planners - SHRA was disappointed that the revised plans for the retirement complex on Site 1 didn't really address the issues that led to the original plans being refused in March. We have written to the EBC planners to inform them of our continued concerns about the size and impact of this proposed development. Click here to read our letter to EBC...
30 July - Site 1 DAS now Available - the Design & Access Statement (DAS) Addendum that formed part of the revised planning application for the retirement flats on Site 1 but was missing from the EBC planning portal, is now available to download from the EBC portal in three parts. For ease of reference, a slightly lower quality, full version is available from SHRA's website; click here to view it...
29 July 2024 - Site 1 Latest. The SHRA Committee met on Wednesday, 24 July, to discuss the amended planning application for Site 1. As mentioned below, some important documents have been missing from the EBC portal, including the Design & Access Statement (DAS) Addendum, which we feel is vital in formulating our submission before the closing date for comments. We’ve written to EBC on a number of occasions, but to date, we’ve not received a satisfactory reply. The closing date for comments has been extended until August 16th, but Untold has told us that it is booked for the August 20th planning meeting. We’ve therefore agreed on the following actions:
1. Make an official complaint to EBC regarding their failure to reply to our correspondence.
2. Request a suspension of the process until all documents are available to view.
3. Lobby our MP and the Leader of EBC for their support.
4. Lobby our Ward Councillors for their support.
We will issue another update once we have anything new to report.
21 July 2024 - Site 1 - Revised Plans. The revised plans mentioned below and referenced in the developer's covering letter are now available on the EBC portal (see this list... ). However, the Design & Access Statement (DAS) addendum that explains the design approach and is referenced in the covering letter is not yet online. It is listed on the EBC planning portal, but the wrong document is attached to the link. SHRA has asked EBC to correct that and has suggested that the period for comments should be amended to start only when the DAS is publicly available. In the meantime, we have obtained some artist impressions of the revised development. Click here to view them...
15 July 2024 —Site 1—Revised Plans. We have received notification from EBC that Untold Living, the proposed developer of Site 1, has put forward a revised plan. The application can be viewed online at, where you can make comments. However, at the time of writing, there is very little detail on the planning portal relating to the new proposal other than a covering letter from the developer's agent indicating that the number of apartments has been reduced from 137 to 128 and the building has been reduced in size by one storey. Covering Letter...
SHRA is reviewing the documents available and will press for the release of the amended plans referenced in the covering letter. We would like to hear the views of members and neighbours, especially those living along Martinique Way and Anguila Close. Please email us at The council has given 21 days for observations to be made to them (before 5 August 2024).
Mar 19 2024 - A quick update on the outcome of last night’s planning committee meeting. The minutes of the meeting can be found on EBC’s website (link below), but in summary; after examining the planning application in detail, reading all the comments made by objectors and supporters, and listening to the speakers at the meeting, the planning committee voted unanimously to defer the decision for negotiations to take place between EBC Planners and the developer.
These discussions will seek amendments to the plans that would reduce the impact, size and height of the building, taking into consideration its prominence, maritime location, and proximity to a protected building. Any revisions would then come back to the planning committee for scrutiny and decision. Should the developer fail to make acceptable revisions, EBC Planning has the authority to reject the proposal.
The full meeting can be viewed on the EBC website using the link below and selecting 'view the webcast'.
SHRA opposed the development in its current form maintaining it was an overdevelopment of a prominent site for accommodation which didn’t prioritise the needs of the town or local community. Read SHRA's address to the planning committee...
A BIG thank you to the local residents who were going to be affected by this proposal and rallied together, to everyone who made their views known to EBC and also to the councillors on the planning committee for the time they took to really understand this proposal and for supporting the local community and town. It’s not over yet; Site 1 remains a designated development plot and we don’t know how the developer will react nor what their next steps may be. We will continue to monitor the situation and update you on progress.
Mar 09 2024 - The planning application for Untold Livings retirement community is to be discussed and decided upon at EBC’s Planning Committee meeting in the Town Hall on Monday 18 March at 6pm.
An agenda for the meeting along with the important recommendation documents can be downloaded from:
EBC planners are recommending that the planning committee give approval, subject to further negotiations with ESCC, the H&S Executive and EBC Specialist Advisors on matters including, ecology and landscape, fire safety and air quality. Permission would also be subject to Section 106 agreements on several items including contributions to transport, travel plan and car club, contributions towards improvements to the adjacent public open spaces, and restrictions on age of occupiers and use as second homes, etc. (see Public Reports Pack)
The application generated over 350 objections and 12 supporting comments. In view of the concerns raised by many residents, SHRA opposes the development in its current form and on January 19th we wrote to EBC objecting to the application (you can view our letter using the link below). This Planning Committee meeting could be our final collective opportunity to persuade its members to reject this proposal in its current form. To show the strength of our opposition we hope that all those who oppose the application will do their best to attend the meeting at the Town Hall on Monday 18th March. We have prepared some A4 posters you may wish to print and bring with you.
Feb 26 - This document compares the height difference between the apartment block proposal that was approved by EBC in 2016 and the current 2023 retirement block seeking approval. The top of the 2016 apartment block was below the 26m hight of Anguilla Close, while the proposed 2024 block appears to be some 4m higher than Anguilla Close. The final image shows how much it will dominate. Click here to view...
Jan 29 - SHRA have written to each of the Sovereign Ward councillores seeking their support in opposing the proposed development of Site 1. A copy of one of the letters to the councillors can be viewed and read by clicking here...
Jan 18 - SHRA have written to the EBC planners to raise concerns about the proposed development of Site 1. A copy of our letter to EBC can be viewed and read by clicking here...
Since Untold Living’s planning application was published we have been listening to, and speaking with residents affected by the proposed development, and thank everyone who emailed us with their views, suggestions and advice.
At this point it’s of the utmost importance that everyone’s views are put forward to Eastbourne Borough Council’s planning committee, and the deadline for doing this is now shown as 10 February 2024 (originally 25 January).
Comments can be made online at: The EBC reference number is 230847
By e mail to:
Please quote planning reference number 230847
By post to: Eastbourne Borough Council
Customer First
1 Grove Road
BN21 4TW
Please quote planning reference number 230847
Comments/objections should be factual and have meaning within the context of planning applications. EBC's planning portal lists some of the material considerations that should be considered when deciding a planning application, these can include (but are not limited to):
• Overlooking/loss of privacy
• Loss of light or overshadowing
• Parking
• Highway Safety
• Traffic
• Noise
• Effect on listed buildings and conservation area
• Layout and density of building
• Design, appearance and materials
• Government Policy
• Disabled persons Access
Proposals in the development plan
• Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
• Nature conservation
However, issues such as loss of views, or negative effect on the value of properties are not material considerations.
Site 1 was granted planning permission for residential units in 2016 and because the building work was commenced that application remains active.
Having said that the new application is a departure from the original approved plan in terms of height and the number of residential units and will require a new permission. The original permission in 2016 was for 67 apartments and 12 houses. The houses have already been built (White Point). This latest application from Untold Living is for 137 apartments.
SHRA will be putting forward an objection to the planning application based upon:
1. Overdevelopment of the site. The original plan was for a total of 79 residences. Untold Living’s proposal is for 137 apartments (around a 73% increase).
2. A significant increase in traffic and risk to safety due to the residential units and related vehicle movements. (Which will include residents plus associated services i.e. staff and deliveries).
3. Increase in noise associated with the additional residential units and service vehicles. Plus the on-site restaurant that is proposed to open for public use too.
4. At its highest point the new proposal appears to be some 4m higher than Anguilla Close, the next highest building adjacent to the development. These images (from the developers application) show how the new construction will overshadow Anguilla Close.
5. The location of the proposed building in relation to the Martello Tower compromises the integrity and beauty of this protected building. The block nearest to the Martello looms over this iconic and historical monument reducing its prominence and subsequently devaluing the Seafront Promenade to the detriment of the whole town.
6. The proposed car parking facilities are inadequate. 52 spaces to be shared amongst 137 apartments plus staff and visitors to the development will create a safety issue and traffic flow problems, Martinique Way is already short of spaces for the number of residents and visitors ,and the overspill from the new development into Martinique Way and the surrounding area, including the potential to obstruct the Langney Point roundabout, will undoubtedly cause serious congestion.
7. The car park on the proposed development is situated below ground level and we are concerned it will increase the flood risk both to the development itself and nearby properties, especially should the construction of the car park displace water flows below ground to alternative locations in order to accommodate the displacement.
While SHRA will put forward its objections based on the above reasons, we should also remember that this is an opportunity to mitigate any perceived negatives the proposal throws up and make suggestions as to what would be more acceptable for local residents. For example a reduction in the number of apartments/floors.
Other suggestions we have heard are:
• The provision of a minibus to serve the residents of the new apartments and local residents to supplement the local public bus service.
• The inclusion of a continuous metalled pedestrian and bicycle path along the seafront side of the proposed building, allowing those with restricted mobility access to the views.
• A children’s play area built and maintained by the developer.
We understand and sympathise with the concerns and worries of those residents who the proposal will directly impact, should it be approved. We have to bear in mind that Site 1 was always designated as a hotel or residential development plot; therefore, we are more limited in the objections we can make.
To view the new planning application on the EBC portal, click this link The EBC reference number is 230847. To view the original 2015 application search numbers151056 and 131002.
Height Comparisons 2015
The top of the apartment block proposed in 2015 was lower than the 26m height of Anguilla Close (see image below), while at a little more than 30m, the proposed 2024 block appears to be some 4m higher than Anguilla Close ( see images above). The 4m stated has been reduced to about 1m by the removal of one floor in Untold’s amended plans.