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View from the air of Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne

Development of Martello Towers 64 & 66


21 January 2025 - Still under consideration The planning committee meeting scheduled for January 20 was cancelled, so we must presume that the planning applications for Towers 64 & 66 are still under discussion and remain undecided. 

29 October - SHRA's Response to EBC on Martello Tower Planning Application -  Since the plans to convert Tower 64 & 66 into residential accommodation were announced (see 4th Oct below), SHRA has been listening to and speaking with members and residents affected.  We have received positive feedback about the proposed plans as they would ensure these historic buildings are restored and saved from further deterioration. We have also heard from residents living near the Towers about several issues of concern that the development of the Towers as residential holiday accommodation will create. We have raised those concerns in a letter to EBC's planning officers. Click here to read the letter... 

05 October - Photographic Reports for Martello Towers 64 and 66. These photographic reports form part of the planning application listed below and show the towers' amazing internal structure and current state.
Martello Tower 64 Photos 
Martello Tower 66 Photos 
Note that these are slightly reduced-quality copies of the original versions available on the EBC website for quicker download. 

04 October - Planning Applications for Martello Towers 64 (North Harbour Beach) and 66 (Langney Point). Plans have been submitted to convert each Martello Tower into a residential holiday home.  The detailed plans can be viewed on the EBC planning portal, where your comments should be made using the following links:
Tower 64 - EBC Application no. 240562 
Tower 66 - EBC Application no. 240560
Comments to EBC need to be received by Thursday 31 October (amended from previously stated  by EBC as being 26 Oct).  Note that there are separate (seemingly duplicate) applications dealing with Listed Building Consent. For ease of reference we have placed copies of the Design and Access Statements (DAS) on the SHRA website:
Martello Tower 64 DAS 
Martello Tower 66 DAS
These statements should be read in conjunction with the detailed plans from the EBC portal. Please share your comments on these plans with SHRA by emailing them to: info@shra.co.uk